Download Server Admin Tools Mac Os X Updated

Download Server Admin Tools Mac Os X

Shows if y'all have a 32-flake or a 64-bit processor and allows y'all to start the MacOS X Kernel in 32-chip or in 64-flake way.

Menubar app for Snow Leopard records setup settings by taking a Snapshot of your computer.

Elementary program that creates single aliases that can open more programs, documents, folders or web pages.

Download Amphetamine Amphetamine v.2.i [ 2021-04-12 | MB |

Freeware | OS X x.11/10.12/10.xiii/10.14/10.15/11.0/11.1/11.ii | 3358 | 1 ]

Easily and rapidly override your energy saver settings and keep your Mac awake.

Download Apache Apache 2.4.34 [ 2018-07-31 |

9.1 MB |

Freeware | Bone X | 4962 | 3 ]

Popular open-source HTTP server, the Apache HTTP Server Projection is an try to develop and maintain an open up-source HTTP server for modern operating systems.

Download AppCleaner AppCleaner 3.6 [ 2021-02-03 |

4 MB |

Freeware | macOS 10.13/x.fourteen/10.15/xi.0 | 11429 | 5 ]

Small-scale awarding which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.

Download AppDelete AppDelete iv.3.3 [ 2017-05-04 |

5.7 MB |

Shareware $vii.99 | Os X 10.7/10.viii/10.9/x.ten/10.11/10.12 | 6934 | five ]

Uninstaller removes not only Applications but also Widgets, Preference Panes, Plugins, and Screensavers forth with their associated files.

Menu bar application allows y'all to speedily kill running applications and send any of the underlying BSD signals to whatsoever procedure on the organization.

One of the features in Lion is the "Resume" ability, but there are times where you don�t want by app states to reappear. This allows yous to get rid of the saved country for specific applications.

Download AppTrap AppTrap 1.2.3 [ 2016-01-01 |

ane.3 MB |

Freeware | Bone X 10.eight/10.9/10.10/10.xi | 7073 | i ]

Easy application unistaller. When you motility an application to the trash, y'all're automatically asked if you want to motility the associated preference files too.

Download AppZapper AppZapper 2.0.three [ 2020-05-08 |

958 KB |

Shareware $19.95 | macOS ten.13/10.14/10.xv | 3628 | 1 ]

Utility to easily uninstall applications. Elevate unwanted apps onto AppZapper and sentinel as it finds all the extra files and allow's you lot delete them with a single click.

Download Aurora Aurora 5.0.three [ 2013-eleven-20 |

viii.2 MB |

Shareware $14.95 | Os Ten 10.8/x.9 | 2836 | ane ]

Application to wake you and your Mac and helps you fall asleep to the audio of your favorite tunes or a movie.

Tool for mounting filesystems of type AFP, FTP, http, NFS, SMB.

Open source emulator of 68xxx-based Macintosh computers. With Basilisk II, one tin kick Mac Bone versions 7.10 through 8.1.

Download BatChmod BatChmod i.7 Beta five [ 2016-02-eleven |

4.two MB |

Freeware | OS X ten.v/ten.6/10.7/10.8/ten.9/10.10/10.xi | 7645 | ane ]

Utility for manipulating file and folder privileges allows the manipulation of buying equally well as the privileges associated to the Possessor, Grouping or others.

BlueStacks App Player lets yous run Android apps fast and fullscreen in your browser and on your Mac.

Download Bochs Bochs 2.half-dozen.11 [ 2020-01-06 |

5.3 MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.2/10.3/x.4/10.5/10.half dozen/x.7/10.8/10.9/10.ten/x.eleven/ten.12/10.13/10.xiv/10.15 | 6460 | 1 ]

Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on well-nigh popular platforms.

Menu-bar application that mounts network share points automatically with minimal user intervention.

Download BootChamp BootChamp one.7 [ 2015-08-16 |

1.1 MB |

Freeware | OS X ten.half dozen/10.7/10.eight/10.9/10.x | 5009 | i ]

Menu bar app provides an easy manner to restart into your Kick Military camp partition without having to hold downwards the Option key at startup or change the Startup Deejay.

Bordeaux allows you to run select Windows applications on Intel Macs without a Windows OS.

Download Caffeine Caffeine [ 2010-03-13 |

254Kb |

Freeware | Bone 10 x.5/10.6 | 5868 | 1 ]

Menubar app prevents your Mac from automatically going to slumber, dimming the screen or starting screen savers.

Download Chalaut Chalaut 1.0.4 [ 2010-09-16 |

418Kb |

Donationware | OS X ten.4/10.5/10.6 | 5592 | one ]

Application and contextual menu for launching applications with root privileges.

Download ChangeMAC ChangeMAC one.5 [ 2009-06-29 |

396 KB |

Freeware | OS X 10.5 | 5479 | one ]

Awarding to spoof your Ethernet or Airport mac address. Information technology will also generate a random address for you.

Download Chicken Craven two.2b2 [ 2011-11-19 |

1.5 MB |

Freeware | Bone X x.iv/10.5/10.6/ten.7 | 3835 | 1 ]

VNC client allows remote access to another computer over the network.

VNC client allows one to brandish and interact with a remote computer screen.

Changes internal settings of the Classic Bone which prevent it from operating correctly.

Download ControlPlane ControlPlane 1.6.six [ 2017-05-06 |

two.ii MB |

Freeware | Bone X x.7/10.eight/10.9/10.10/x.xi | 21528 | 1 ]

Allows you to build configuration profiles for your Mac based on where yous are or what you are doing.

Application for managing terminals in Apple's Concluding application.

Download CoolTerm CoolTerm 1.8.0 [ 2020-10-xiii |

5.nine MB |

Freeware | Os Ten ten.7/x.8/10.9/ten.10/10.11/ten.12/ten.13/10.fourteen/10.15 | 7174 | 1 ]

Like shooting fish in a barrel-to-utilize terminal for communication with hardware connected to serial ports

Download CoRD CoRD 0.v.7 [ 2012-07-26 |

1.0 MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.6/x.7/10.8 | 4940 | one ]

Mac OS Ten remote desktop client for Microsoft Windows servers using the rdp protocol.

View and configure the cache and processor clock speed settings on your PowerLogix upgrade card.

Allows you lot to switch between the different performance settings of your computer by a single mouse click.

Tool allows you to more than precisely remove installation records for Creative Cloud or Artistic Suite applications that may have become corrupted or may be causing bug with a new installation

Download CrossOver XI CrossOver XI 20.0.4 [ 2021-01-29 |

253.ix MB |

Shareware $39.95+ | macOS 10.13/10.xiv/10.15 | 4371 | 3 ]

Install many pop Windows applications on your Mac. No rebooting, no switching to a virtual car, and no Windows Operating System license required!

Menubar app is ever at that place for you when an application freezes upward and the dreaded beach brawl of expiry starts spinning on your screen.

Always have the Dashboard ready to use the kickoff fourth dimension you want without having to wait for a complete start-up sequence.

Download DeepSleep DeepSleep 2.two [ 2013-10-xxx |

one.5 MB |

Freeware | Os X 10.ix/10.10 | 6083 | ane ]

Allows your Mac laptop or desktop to sleep without using any power or bleed the batteries.

Download DefaultUser DefaultUser ii.0 [ 2010-03-09 |

952 KB |

Freeware | OS Ten x.5/10.6 | 4168 | 1 ]

Allows yous to create an �auto regenerated account at logout� with ease.

Small utility that is used to remove Apple'due south pkg installs.

Download DIP DIP one.0 [ 2007-03-eighteen |

56 KB |

Freeware | Os Ten 10.4 | 5377 | one ]

Installs the hidden Deejay Image System Preference pane into the Arrangement Preferences application.

Download DOSBox DOSBox 0.74-3 [ 2020-eleven-18 |

four.2 MB |

Freeware | Os X 10.3/x.4/10.5/ | 6225 | i ]

Port of DOSBox to MacOS Ten. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, for running many old MS-DOS games.

Download dTerm dTerm 1.6 [ 2011-07-20 |

i.0 MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.5/10.6/ten.7 | 4563 | three ]

dTerm makes it fast and easy to get into and out of the control line.

Lilliputian application for OS 10 ten.1 or 10.2 that lets you terminate the frontmost application past hitting Control-Alt-Delete and more.

Download EZSwitch EZSwitch 1.3 [ 2012-04-07 |

307 KB |

Freeware | Os 10 x.6/10.vii/10.8 | 2282 | ane ]

EZSwitch is a Mac card bar application which allows y'all to shutdown, restart or put your Mac to sleep with a user configurable delay fourth dimension.

Download Fing Fing ii.2 [ 2012-x-18 |

iii.9 MB |

Freeware | OS Ten 10.6/ | 4119 | 1 ]

Network scanner gives you lot a complete movie of the network y'all are in, including IP and MAC addresses, device vendors and Internet access provider location.

Download Fink Fink 0.38.7 [ 2015-08-18 |

i.2 MB |

Freeware | OS Ten | 5622 | 1 ]

Provides powerful binary package management using Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get.

Provides an intuitive front-terminate to the Fink command-line tools for downloading and installing Unix software.

Download gfxCardStatus gfxCardStatus 2.3 [ 2014-02-07 |

983 KB |

Freeware | OS X 10.7/x.8/10.9 | 10991 | 3 ]

Card bar app allows MacBook Pro users to see which apps are affecting their battery life by using the more power-hungry graphics.

Download Guest PC Invitee PC ane.nine.7 [ 2006-10-24 |

iv.0Mb |

$69.99 | Os X 10.3/10.4 | 8378 | 1 ]

Virtual x86 emulator for OS 10 10.three-four allows you lot to install Microsoft Windows on your PPC Mac, and apply software developed only for Windows.

Download Hands Off! Hands Off! four.4.three [ 2020-10-xv |

9.8 MB |

Shareware $49.99 | macOS x.12/10.13/ten.xiv/10.15 | 5022 | 3 ]

Monitor and control the admission of applications to your network and disks.

Download Hibernate Hibernate 1.0 [ 2007-09-17 |

77 KB |

Freeware | Bone X 10.4/ten.5 | 4846 | 1 ] panel enables you to set the sleepstate on your Mac: slumber, hibernate & sleep and hibernate.

Preference pane for OS 10 ten.half dozen provides an easy style to access some hidden features in the operating system and select applications.

Download Hosts Hosts [ 2011-08-26 |

70 KB |

Freeware | OS Ten ten.half-dozen/ | 4113 | 1 ]

App adds a preference pane to your system preferences which lets yous toggle your host file entries on and off, also as add and remove them.

Download Hypnotize Hypnotize one.5 [ 2014-12-19 |

2.5 MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.three/ten.4/ten.5/10.6/ | 3707 | 1 ]

Hypnotize for Mac OS X is a collection of timers for your Dock.

Download iLid iLid 1.0 [ 2007-04-xvi |

150 KB |

Freeware | Os X x.4/10.5 | 4733 | one ]

Preference Pane tells your laptop not to wake upwards when you open up the chapeau. Project has been abandoned.

InsomniaX allows y'all to disable the slumber mode on your laptop.

Small utility acts equally a wrapper to the Insomnia kernel extension, disabling the slumber mode on laptops.

Download IP Observer IP Observer 0.eight.2 [ 2011-08-08 |

1.7 MB |

Freeware | Os X 10.three/ten.4/10.5 | 5788 | 1 ]

Monitors your assigned IP address behind an internet router and e-mails the new accost. Also checks for open up ports exterior your IP address.

Download IP Scanner IP Scanner three.91 [ 2019-11-15 |

15.2 MB |

Freeware / Shareware $29.99 | Bone X | 8799 | i ]

IP Scanner scans your local area network to determine the identity of all agile machines and internet devices on the LAN.

Download IPNetRouterX IPNetRouterX 1.6c2 [ 2011-ten-18 |

3.six MB |

Shareware $100.00 | Bone X 10.five/ | 6739 | 3 ]

Powerful router, firewall, and network management utility.

Download iSSH iSSH 3.1 [ 2009-06-04 |

1.4Mb |

Freeware | Bone X ten.four/ten.5 | 4785 | i ]

Quick and easy way to get-go an SSH connection to a remote estimator. iSSH is a front-end application to the control line application �ssh�.

Download iTerm2 iTerm2 5 3.4.6 [ 2021-04-26 |

24.3 MB |

Freeware | macOS x.14/10.15/11.0/11.ane/xi.two | 7245 | 1 ]

Full featured terminal emulation program aims at providing users with the best command line experience nether Bone X.

Download K64Enabler K64Enabler i.1 [ 2010-08-21 |

265 KB |

Freeware | OS Ten | 4621 | 1 ]

Lets you enable / disable the 64-bit Kernel of Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

AppleScript Studio application that starts a Fink install of KDE with functional settings that actually work for Os X without irresolute all X11's configurations. Project has been abandoned.

Download Kext Drop Kext Drop ane.ane [ 2011-12-27 |

2.5 MB |

Freeware | Bone X x.6/10.7/10.eight/10.9 | 4158 | one ]

Super easy Kext installer that just works. Just drib one or several kexts on the window or dock icon and let Kext Drib practice the residuum.

App'due south passport to running as superuser, i.e. with root privileges. Information technology runs as an application and service for launching applications as root user.

Download LaunchControl LaunchControl 1.52.1 [ 2021-04-25 |

6.7 MB |

Shareware $10.00 | Os X 10.vii/ten.8/x.9/ten.ten/10.11/10.12/x.13/10.14/x.15/11.0/ | 4600 | four ]

LaunchControl allows you to manage system- and user services on your Mac.

Awarding launcher is a useful utility that speeds up the way yous piece of work on your Mac with several ways to launch applications.

Download LaunchMagic LaunchMagic 5.0.0 [ 2015-02-27 |

xl.nine MB |

Shareware $29.99 | OS 10 10.ten | 3103 | 1 ]

Launch manager delivers an extraordinarily fast and efficient way to launch applications and open documents.

Preference pane allows you to easily hide/unhide apps (and groups) from Launchpad.

Simple and effective tool for keeping your Mac OS 10 Launchpad organized.

Attempts to assist users install Mac OS Ten Leopard on older, unsupported systems. Project has been abandoned.

Graphical user interface for creating and editing launchd configuration files.

King of beasts Network Home Folder Launch Services Fix is a uncomplicated Automator program that substantially tells Lion to rebuild the Launch Services database.

Download Lionshark Lionshark 0.1 [ 2011-07-26 |

44.2 MB |

Freeware | Bone X ten.half dozen/x.7 | 3880 | 1 ]

Precompiled, native Wireshark build for Lion based on Mac Os X GTK port from ""

Download Lock Me Lock Me 1.5 [ 2015-03-xxx |

538 KB |

Freeware | Os Ten 10.6/x.7/10.eight/10.9/10.x | 3896 | 0 ]

Lock Me is a elementary status bar application that allows you to lock your screen.

Utility can be used to manage several hidden features of the loginwindow awarding. Project has been abandoned.

Download LogSurfer LogSurfer 1.2.i [ 2005-09-27 |

ane.4 MB |

Freeware | Os X 10.2/10.3/10.four/x.5 | 5316 | i ]

Handy awarding, which constantly monitors logfiles and prints new messages as soon as they appear.

Download Mac Restart Mac Restart 1.6.1 [ 2010-xi-eleven |

804 KB |

Shareware $20.00 | OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6 | 5664 | 1 ]

Application used to restart your Mac on a regular basis or merely once at a specific date and time or via iCal, or even via the web.

Download Mac Shutdown Mac Shutdown iv.1 [ 2018-07-18 |

3.3 MB |

Shareware $12.00 | OS 10 10.10/10.xi/ten.12/10.13 | 4702 | 1 ]

Pocket-sized utility designed to shutdown your Mac on a specified event or on a specified engagement and fourth dimension.

Linux/PPC programme that virtualizes MacOS or MacOSX in Linux.

Download MacAT MacAT 7.1 [ 2006-07-22 |

iii.4 MB |

Shareware $49.00 | Classic/OS Ten | 5127 | 1 ]

Windows AT/UNIX cron-like task scheduling application for Macintosh server administrators.

Powerful, withal easy to apply MAC Address Changer. Projection has been abandoned.

Download Macindows Macindows 0.viii [ 2010-04-thirteen |

22.2 MB |

Shareware $23.00 | Bone X 10.five/10.6 | 5460 | 1 ]

Lets y'all run many Microsoft Windows applications on your Mac without emulation.

Download MacPorts MacPorts 2.six.4 [ 2020-xi-xiv |

4.iv MB |

Freeware | macOS 11.0 | 6800 | 1 ]

Easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open up-source software.

Download MacTerm MacTerm 4.1.20180825 [ 2018-12-13 | MB |

Freeware | Os X 10.10/10.xi/10.12/10.13/x.14 | 5298 | i ]

A powerful replacement for the Mac OS X Terminal includes customizable windows, dynamic search, notifications, keep-live and more.

Download MAMP MAMP 6.iii [ 2020-12-16 |

472.4 MB |

Freeware | macOS 10.12/x.xiii/x.14/10.15/11.0/eleven.i | 19403 | iii ]

With just a few mouse-clicks, you can install a local server environs on your reckoner.

With the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, you can connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere.

Allows you to connect from your Macintosh reckoner to select Windows-based computers at the same time. Project has been abandoned.

Update is recommended for all users who are using Virtual PC for Mac Version seven.0 or or vii.0.two. Projection has been abased.

Download Mini vMac Mini vMac 3.5.8 [ 2017-09-xi |

42 KB |

Freeware | Os X 10.four/ten.five/ | 5052 | i ]

Macintosh Plus emulator collection allows modern computers to run software made for early Macintosh computers, from 1984 to 1996.

Download NetMap NetMap 1.5.5 [ 2011-02-01 |

5.5 MB |

Shareware $45.00 | OS X 10.i/10.2/10.three/10.4/10.5/ten.6 | 6183 | one ]

Network administrators can easily visualize an overview of established network devices and have a single source of data for software licenses, system versions and login data.

Front-end for Apple's congenital-in Apple Software Restore tool (/usr/sbin/asr). Projection has been abandoned.

Quickly and accurately restore a master disk image to a computer's hard disk. Project has been abased.

Restore a master disk image to a hd whether it is hosted locally, on a network or the cyberspace. Project has been abandoned.

Professional network analyzer performs real-time bundle capturing, network monitoring, advanced protocol analyzing and in-depth package decoding.

Download NFS Manager NFS Manager 4.iii [ 2017-06-08 |

5.6 MB |

Shareware $20.00 | OS 10 x.eleven/10.12 | 4545 | 1 ]

NFS Manager is a graphical user interface to control all built-in NFS features of Mac Os X.

Download NMS NMS two.3 Beta 3 [ 2006-03-05 |

3.4Mb |

Freeware | Bone X 10.3/10.4/10.v | 5555 | 1 ]

Solves the constant problem of an invariably corrupt ability manager preventing automated slumber, especially on laptops. Project has been abandoned.

Download NoSleep NoSleep ane.v.1 [ 2019-04-eleven | MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.six/10.7/10.8/10.9/x.x | 4457 | 3 ]

Makes closing of your MacBook lid possible without going into sleep style.

Download NTFS for Mac NTFS for Mac 15.eight.243 [ 2021-04-30 |

59.8 MB |

Shareware $19.95 | macOS x.12/x.13/10.14/10.xv/11.0/11.1/11.two/eleven.three | 4925 | 4 ]

Creates an effective ii-style communication channel between Mac Os X and Windows.

OnLive� Desktop is a service that provides a seamless, no-compromise, instant-response deject-based PC desktop, wherever and whenever you want it.

Download OnMyCommand OnMyCommand 3.2 [ 2015-04-15 |

vi.4 MB |

Freeware | Bone X x.6/ten.vii/10.8/10.nine/ten.10 | 5707 | one ]

UNIX CLI and AppleScript executor, lets you build Contextual Card Items and GUI applications.

Seamlessly run both Windows and Mac OS X applications side-by-side without rebooting.

PathSnagger adds a Contextual Menu Detail option to the Contextual Carte du jour in the Finder.

Share files easily and deeply betwixt all varieties of Macs, Windows, and Linux computers. Project has been abandoned.

Awarding developed to solve permissions problems.

Download PlayOnMac PlayOnMac 4.4.ane [ 2020-07-15 |

632.9 MB |

Freeware | OS 10 ten.half dozen/10.7/10.8/10.ix/10.x/10.11/10.12/10.thirteen/10.fourteen/ten.15 | 5903 | 3 ]

Piece of software which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Microsoft� Windows�.

Download PleaseSleep PleaseSleep 2.3 [ 2011-07-eleven |

700 KB |

Freeware | Bone X 10.7/10.8/10.9 | 2096 | i ]

Software helps put your reckoner to slumber when you lot know some other app is preventing your Mac from going to sleep.

Access your computer from anywhere in the world.

Command line application for installing a total or stripped downward version of Mac Os X to a mobile device.

PortAuthority provides a GUI for the MacPorts Unix software management organisation for Mac Os 10.

Download Porticus Porticus one.viii.ane [ 2009-12-30 |

1.4 MB |

Freeware | OS X 10.4/10.5/ten.6 | 5391 | 1 ]

Cocoa GUI for the MacPorts parcel manager. Project has been abandoned.

Download PortsMonitor PortsMonitor 1.4.1 [ 2015-02-xviii |

2.4 MB |

Shareware $8.00 | OS X ten.six/10.7/10.eight/x.9/ten.10 | 2411 | 1 ]

PortsMonitor is a system utility for monitoring organization TCP/IP network connections by awarding, and connections� status.

Download Pref Setter Pref Setter ii.0 [ 2011-09-26 |

3.iv MB |

Freeware | OS Ten x.3/10.four/10.v | 5995 | 1 ]

Edits Os X'south preference files and awarding �subconscious� preference settings non directly available.

Download PrefEdit PrefEdit 4.5.1 [ 2020-12-23 |

7.8 MB |

Shareware $9.l | macOS 10.12/10.thirteen/ten.14/10.xv/eleven.0 | 3677 | 4 ]

Application to manage nearly all aspects of the preference system contained in every Mac OS X installation.

Utility which aims to simplify the task of deleting preference files.

Full-featured tool for managing the Preferences Folder, which contains your various �Preference Files".

Download Pseudo Pseudo one.ii.iii [ 2014-04-27 |

511 KB |

Shareware $xv.00 | OS 10 | 2279 | 1 ]

Allows you lot to launch other applications in the OSX Desktop as the Organization Administrator or 'root'. Project has been abandoned.

Download QuickBoot QuickBoot i.ane [ 2009-12-17 |

995 KB |

Freeware | Bone X 10.v/10.6/10.7 | 4745 | one ]

Handy utility to brand it easier to reboot into your Kicking Camp windows bulldoze, or fifty-fifty some other Bone X install.

Download Quicksilver Quicksilver 1.half-dozen.1 [ 2020-06-26 |

six.8 MB |

Freeware | macOS 10.12/10.xiii/10.xiv/ten.15 | 15639 | 3 ]

Quicksilver is a launcher utility app for Mac OS 10 which gives you the power to perform mutual, every-day tasks chop-chop and without thought.

Download Quit Quit 1.viii [ 2014-04-15 |

3.4 MB |

Freeware | Os X ten.5/ | 3003 | 1 ]

A control line tool to politely quit applications from Concluding.

Download Radmind Radmind one.14.0 [ 2010-xi-30 |

467 KB |

Freeware | OS X 10.4/ten.v/ | 5472 | 1 ]

Unix command-line tools suite and server administers file systems of multiple Unix machines.

Download RCDefaultApp RCDefaultApp 2.ane [ 2009-09-20 |

431 KB |

Freeware | Os X 10.4/10.5/x.6 | 5181 | ane ]

Preference pane for setting the default application used for URL schemes, file extensions, file types, MIME types, and Uniform Type Identifiers.

Download Remotix Remotix 6.i.six [ 2020-06-06 |

14.five MB |

Shareware $39.99 | OS 10 x.11/10.12/10.13/10.fourteen/10.15 | 2861 | 1 ]

Connect to all your computers from anywhere.

Download Royal TSX Imperial TSX 4.3.6 [ 2020-11-13 |

26.6 MB |

Shareware $46.00+ | macOS ten.12/10.13/10.14/10.fifteen/xi.0 | 11081 | 3 ]

Centralized mode to store all you lot remote connections.

SafeSleepOnce puts your Mac into condom sleep once and automatically enables normal slumber afterwards.

Download Samba Samba iv.14.four [ 2021-04-29 |

18.6 MB |

Freeware | Bone X | 10443 | 3 ]

Open source software provides secure, stable and fast file and print services for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol.

ScreenSharingMenulet allows yous to connect to local computers via Screen Sharing from the menu bar.

Secure Remote Disk provides uncomplicated user interface for MacFUSE and sshfs.

Download Serial Series ii.0.1 [ 2020-06-13 |

10.iv MB |

Shareware $39.99 | OS Ten 10.11/10.12/10.13/ten.14/10.15 | 2577 | 3 ]

Connect your Mac to just about anything.

Little sysop helper for Mac OS X to monitor your (or someone others) servers.

SMD makes initiating a VNC server very simple -- just click a push button!

Download Sharity Sharity three.ix [ 2010-eleven-08 |

2.ane MB |

Shareware $29.00+ | Bone Ten 10.3/10.iv/10.5/10.6 | 4815 | i ]

Connect your Unix figurer to whatsoever Windows, Samba or any other SMB/CIFS Server.

SheepShaver is an open source emulator PowerPC Apple Macintosh emulator.

Download Shell Life Shell Life ii.1 [ 2007-06-18 |

i.ix MB |

Shareware $fifteen.00 | OS X 10.4/ten.v | 5774 | 1 ]

Front end to beat commands. Beat Life lets you ascertain, run, manage, and store shell commands.

Download Shiboleet Shiboleet i.2 [ 2011-06-27 |

50 KB |

Freeware | OS X 10.half-dozen | 3556 | ane ]

Magical little app for Mac Os X that lets yous easily run commands for the Terminal. Project has been abased.

Helps users test if their ports are open up with just a few clicks.

Preference pane that makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for users to switch betwixt booting using the 32-chip version and the respective 64-flake version.

Tiny menu bar awarding, that allows you lot to forestall your Mac from sleeping for a specified amount of time.

Download SleepLess SleepLess 2.9.0 [ 2015-07-09 |

582 KB |

Shareware $five.50 | OS X ten.eight/10.9/10.10 | 6936 | ane ]

Application to forbid the computer from going to sleep without changing system settings.

Download SleepWatcher SleepWatcher 2.2 [ 2011-08-28 |

45 KB |

Freeware | Bone X 10.5/10.6/x.7/10.8/10.9 | 4650 | 1 ]

Command line tool that monitors slumber, wakeup and idleness of a Mac and can be used to execute a Unix commands upon select activity.

Download Slink Slink 1.9.12 [ 2014-04-21 |

7.ix MB |

Shareware $24.99 | Os X 10.5/x.6/10.7/10.viii/10.9 | 9676 | ane ]

Easy and secure way to remotely connect to your dwelling house network.

Download Smart Trash Smart Trash two.0.v [ 2016-03-xiv |

4.4 MB |

Shareware $10.00 | Bone X 10.nine/10.x/10.xi | 2406 | 0 ]

Smart Trash enhances the functions of the Mac OS Ten trash.

Download SmartSleep SmartSleep 3.22 [ 2013-09-09 |

iii.3 MB |

Shareware $5.95 | Os X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.ix | 4239 | ane ]

Lets y'all select each sleep state for your MacBook / MacBook Pro.

Download SMBUp SMBUp 1.four.1 [ 2012-06-11 |

four.3 MB |

Freeware | OS X | 3581 | ane ]

SMBUp re-instates Samba equally a service of your mac and provides a unproblematic interface to manage the service.

Pprogram that provides a neat interface to browse compatibility data found on

Controls the volume of the startup sound of your Mac without changing the output volume setting.

Interface to shut down or restart your mac.

Download Sweet16 Sweet16 3.0.3 [ 2014-04-08 |

2.6 MB |

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Apple IIgs emulator for Mac OS X based on the BeOS version of Sweet16.

Download Swift Share Swift Share 2.0.7 [ 2014-04-22 |

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Shareware $49.95 | Bone Ten x.6/ | 918 | 1 ]

Swift Share allows the like shooting fish in a barrel creation of both Windows and Macintosh share points.

Awarding that allows you to manage multiple profiles of settings (preferences and data) for nearly any application.

Download Task3 Task3 1.eight.1 [ 2014-04-23 |

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Shareware $18.00 | OS X 10.7/10.viii/10.9 | 8374 | i ]

Application to automate various actions like launching awarding, starting Mac up, unmount volumes then on.

Download TeamViewer TeamViewer fifteen.17.half dozen [ 2021-04-27 |

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Desktop sharing has never been easier: With TeamViewer you volition be able to connect to the desktop of a partner anywhere on the Net.

Download TERMS TERMS 1.0 [ 2005-12-31 |

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Freeware | Os 10 10.four | 5119 | one ]

Command line terminal server that connects a serial port to a TCP/IP socket. In conjunction with telnet it volition create a serial terminal.

Download Timbuktu Pro Timbuktu Pro 8.8.five [ 2014-04-23 |

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Shareware $89.95 | OS X x.6/ | 1634 | 1 ]

Cross-platform remote control and file sharing program.

Download Tonido Tonido four.79.0.26297 [ 2014-04-23 |

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Access all your files on your figurer from a web browser, smartphone, tablet or even DLNA enabled devices.

Plugin for provides persistent Visor Window which slides down when you press a hot-cardinal from whatsoever application to become an instant final session.

Download Tuxera NTFS Tuxera NTFS 2020.1 [ 2020-01-25 |

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Shareware $15.00 | Os X 10.4/x.5/10.6/x.vii/ten.8/10.9/x.ten/ten.11/10.12/ten.13/ten.14/10.15/11.0/11.1/11.2 | 3335 | iii ]

Tuxera NTFS is read/write NTFS software for Mac users.

Download uApp uApp ane.3 [ 2006-12-09 |

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Freeware | Os Ten x.3/x.iv/x.five | 8151 | 1 ]

Uninstall applications easily using elevate and driblet, and choose which components to delete. Project has been abandoned.

Software allows you to uninstall applications or just find changes fabricated in a deejay or binder.

Robust, total-featured VNC server allows any VNC client to remotely view or control the machine.

Download Virtual ][ Virtual ][ [ 2018-01-31 |

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Shareware $49.00 | OS 10 10.11/10.12/10.13 | 14552 | one ]

Virtual ][ emulates the vintage Apple ][ estimator on your Macintosh.

Download VirtualBox VirtualBox [ 2021-04-thirty |

124.3 MB |

Freeware | OS Ten 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9/x.ten/10.xi/10.12/10.thirteen/10.14/ten.xv/eleven.0/11.1/11.ii | 8749 | 3 ]

Cantankerous-platform virtualization application extends the capabilities of your existing estimator so information technology can run multiple operating systems at the same time.

Download VirtualHostX VirtualHostX 8.7.16 [ 2020-03-21 |

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Application makes it elementary to host multiple websites on your Mac.

Download VNC Server VNC Server half-dozen.vii.iv [ 2021-03-29 |

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VNC is remote admission and control software for an unrivalled mix of Windows, Mac, UNIX and Linux computers.

Download VNC Viewer VNC Viewer 6.21.118 [ 2021-02-01 |

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VNC Viewer is the companion software for RealVNC.

Download VPN Tracker VPN Tracker 365 xx.3.0 [ 2020-08-28 |

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Premier Mac VPN client for Mac OS 10, allows condom information transfer between your Mac and your company network.

Download WakeOnLan WakeOnLan 1.0 [ 2011-06-28 |

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Discovers all other computers in your LAN, and enables yous to wake them up by clicking a button.

Download WakeOnMac WakeOnMac one.0.1 [ 2018-04-sixteen |

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Program that tin can send �magic packets� to wake up sleeping computers supporting Wake on LAN.

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Simple user interface for configuring user, group, and IP-based access restrictions for Mac Bone 10's born webserver.

Download Webmin Webmin 1.740 [ 2015-05-03 |

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Web-based interface for organization assistants for Unix.

Download WiFiScriptor WiFiScriptor 0.2 [ 2007-03-28 |

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Awarding allows a user to have a script run when they connect/disconnect from a wireless network.

Download WiFiSpoof WiFiSpoof 3.5.6 [ 2021-02-twenty |

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WiFiSpoof apace spoof's your Mac address giving y'all an extra level of security against snooping.

Wimoweh is a menu bar application that allows you to have better control over how your Mac sleeps.

Download WineBottler WineBottler 2.0 [ 2018-09-eleven |

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WineBottler packages Windows-based programs snugly into Mac app-bundles.

Download XAMPP XAMPP eight.0.6-0 [ 2021-05-eleven |

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XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl. But download and start the installer. Information technology'southward that easy.

Download XCaramba XCaramba 1.7 [ 2011-09-27 |

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Cross-platform file transfer program for Mac Os X.

Download XQuartz X11 XQuartz X11 [ 2021-05-03 |

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Open up-source attempt to develop a version of the X Window Organisation that runs on Mac Bone X.

Download Yank Yank 2.ane [ 2009-08-sixteen |

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All-purpose uninstaller for Mac Bone 10.

Download Server Admin Tools Mac Os X

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